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The Spyder Factory Team has been making waves this season with standout performances across all levels of competition, showcasing the depth of talent and dedication among our younger athletes. From rising junior racers taking a spot on the podium to elite competitors battling for top finishes on the international stage, the team has consistently delivered impressive results. Their relentless pursuit of self excellence, combined with a commitment to progression, has solidified Spyder’s presence in supporting our junior athletes and their ambitions.

Tasman Rearick

Tasman has spent quite a lot of time internationally this season. He spent November in Finland training and racing before going to France in December, where he raced slalom and giant slalom.

After spending some well-deserved time off at home over Christmas, Tasman went back to Europe, competing in the National Junior Race in Italy, as well as at multiple races in France. He's spent a recent two weeks training and racing at Pozza di Fassa, and he scored a personal best in both slalom and giant slalom.

He tells us he's been, "eating real good food and having a good time."

Mari Renick

Mari's season started strong and only got better from there. After winning her first race of the season at the SYNC cup in Winter Park, she kept the momentum going and has stayed on the podium all season.

Now in the middle of her season, Mari has just finished the National Performance Series race in Vermont, and her results made her the second qualifier for the FESA cup in France. She recently competed at Aspen Speed Week and won all four races she entered: two downhill and two super-G.

Be sure to keep an eye out for Mari to keep her streak going in France as she continues to compete this season!

Trevor Palmquist

Just like Mari, Trevor started off the race season with a win at the Winter Park SYNC slalom race. He's gotten lots of quality training runs so far this year and was one of the athletes able forerun the night slalom at the Steamboat Holiday Classic. He was able to compare times to his older brother Jevin and other top athletes, which he says was a great learning experience.

Most recently, he raced the NPS series at Burke Vermont, placing 5th in giant slalom and 3rd in slalom, qualifying him for the Alpe Cimbra project in Folgaria Italy.

He looks forward to new competition, new venues, and more exciting events in this second half of the season, and is super stoked to represent Team USA at Alpe Cimbra this February.

Angus Blackburn

For Angus, the season has been treating him well thus far, but he does tell us he wishes there were more snow. Starting his season off with a bang, he competed at the Sugar Bowl 2* and placed 3rd.

With three upcoming competitions: the Crystal 3*, Kirkwood 3*, and Whitefish 3*, he hopes to keep the momentum going and perform well enough to make it to the North American Junior Freeride Championship.

Keep an eye out for some fresh tricks from Angus in the upcoming competitions.

Evan Wischmeyer

Even though his season started off differently than he would have liked at the World Cup, Evan has been putting in the work this year, and it is showing!

After going back to the drawing board and putting in the work, Evan has had an incredible streak of placing high. He had 3 recent contests where he placed 2nd in the Futures tour (left), was 1st in USASA, finishing his last competition with a 5th in the pipe and 36th in slopestyle.

He tells us he's got lots of good energy and is ready to keep focusing and grinding out a great season.